Wednesday 11 January 2012


1.         Customer Service - Meets customer expectations in a courteous and timely manner. Examples:
(a) Checks voice and e-mail regularly and responds ASAP.  Responds in a credible, knowledgeable, friendly, helpful, empathetic, courteous, confident, and professional manner. 

(b) Helpful to co-workers, subordinates, managers, etc.  Treats internal customers with the same professionalism and respect as external customers.

(c) Provides follow-up to customers to ensure that problem is resolved and/or being
            worked on.
2.         Teamwork - Quality of working relationships; degree of adaptability to changes in work processes/environment; level of commitment to unit goals; willingness to share knowledge and/or mentor coworkers. Examples:

(a) Shares information with other coworkers and other areas of the organization - Systems, Applications, Help Desk, Operations, Telecommunications, and Finance and Administration.

(b) Productive member of the team, shares responsibility, completes tasks on time.  WVNET Conference Committee, BANNER Implementation Team, Telephone Work Group, etc. 

(c) Adapts to changes at WVNET.  Acts professionally and focuses on work to be completed.  Treats other team members as professionals and avoids personality conflicts.

3.         Initiative - Assumes responsibilities within the scope of the position. Takes appropriate and independent action to meet goals, respond to crises, and/or resolve problems. Examples:

(A) If employees cannot assist customers to resolve a problem because the problem is outside his/her area of expertise, employee finds another staff member to resolve the problem and provides follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction.

(b) Employee thinks beyond the immediate task at hand, analyzes future impact, and makes preparations for future consequences.

(c) Employee analyzes work processes and is able to come up with a more efficient means of getting the work completed.

4.         Dependability - Follows instructions and fulfills job responsibilities in a timely manner.  Ability to organize, manages time effectively, and meets deadlines and output expectations. Examples:

(a) Employee is on time and prepared for work, meetings, conference calls, and other appointments. 

(b) Tasks assigned by supervisor, customer (internal and external) requests, daily duties and responsibilities are completed on time and accurately.  Employee does NOT have to be reminded of deadlines. Quantity of output is appropriate for position.

            (c) Problems are logged, solved, and follow-up is provided.

5.         Quality of work - Produces acceptable output and results. Examples:

            (a) Assignments are completed thoroughly and accurately in a timely manner.
            (b) Output is presented in a professional manner - error-free, legible and suitable for                           
       internal or external customer use.

            (c) Output is usable for the internal or external customer.                                          

6.         Attitude and cooperation - Enthusiasm, courtesy, adaptability, flexibility, general disposition and spirit of cooperation in the work place.  Follows established guidelines and workplace policies including, but not limited to Safety, Harassment, Drug Free Workplace, and Security Policies. Examples:

(a) Employee expresses positive attitude in work place.  Expresses spirit of cooperation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and does NOT express an attitude of   “It’s not in my job description.”

            (b) Employee avoids negative comments, rumors, and gossip.  Concentrates on the  positive, and strives    to improve the services and reputation of WVNET.

(c) Employee is friendly, cooperative, and respectful in all communications/interactions at all levels of the organization - co-workers, subordinates, managers and senior staff.

7.         Judgment - Ability to make effective and appropriate decisions that incorporate an awareness of the specific context, constraints, and organizational impact. Examples:

(a) Network Operator is faced with a problem at 2:00 a.m.  Should he/she call a Systems Programmer, or can the problem wait until 8:30 a.m.?

(b) Three projects are being worked on simultaneously. Employee must prioritize tasks and decide the importance, scope, and impact of project deadlines to WVNET.

(c) Employee must make an informed decision to set-up a modem account for a prospective customer.  Does the prospective customer meet the criteria for having a WVNET modem account?

8.         Job Knowledge - Employee has the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Examples:

(a) Employee is knowledgeable about software/administrative application programs for which he/she is responsible - BANNER, ORACLE, FIMS, Account Management System, etc.

            (b) Employee is knowledgeable about operating systems Linux, Unix, Windows, etc.

(c) Employee is knowledgeable/understands practices, standards, policies, and laws in his/her field of expertise.
9.         Communication - Employee’s ability to communicate with others effectively in written and/or oral communications. Examples:

(a)  Employee demonstrates excellent oral communication skills in interacting with customers.  Help Desk staff assists customer, in layman terms, to resolve problem. 

(b) Employee assists modem account customer with billing issue over the phone, in person, or through e-mail.  Information communicated accurately and clearly.

(c) Network Operator communicates telecommunication problem to telecommunications area in a prompt time frame with sufficient details of problem. 

10.       Resource Management - Employee’s effectiveness in the management and conservation of human, time, financial, physical, and other resources.  Ability to perceive and initiate productivity and cost improvement methods. Examples:

(a) Employee recognizes efficiencies within the system and promotes their use.  

            (b) Work time is managed in the most productive way possible. 

            (c) Materials and work tools are purchased by the most cost effective means.
11.       Professional Development - Employee works toward professional development on own initiative, through sponsored training and development courses, etc.  Examples:

(a) Employee conducts presentation for in-house training or conferences.

(b) Employee attends seminars, classes, conferences, etc. in his/her career/professional field. 

            (c) Employee takes work-related classes - WVU, Fairmont State, Vocational school, etc.

1.         Leadership - Provides guidance and support.  Manages problems and change.  Sets objectives, goals, and priorities for area of responsibility.  Is ethical, lawful, respectful, and accountable.   Examples:

(a) Supervisor meets with employee or team of employees on a regular basis to discuss objectives and goals.

            (b) Supervisor provides positive reinforcement.  Thank you notes for a job well done. 

(c) Supervisor sets good example by following policies and procedures, demonstrating excellent customer service skills, working well with other supervisors, and showing respect for other areas of the organization.

2.         Management - Effective and efficient in: planning, organizing, implementing, establishing, measuring performance standards, and allocating human and financial resources. Examples:

            (a) Supervisor completes Performance Reviews on time.

(b) Organizes subordinates’ work in the most efficient way possible.  Arranges for delivery of materials, tools, technology and training to employees to maximize workflow.           

            (c) Supervisor understands the “Big Picture” and “thinks outside of the box.”

3.         Development - Provides employees with opportunities to learn and use new skills.  Encourages improvement in work behaviors.  Improves work processes.  Examples:

            (a) Supervisor encourages employee to stay current on latest, state-of-the-art technology.
Supervisor encourages employee to attend seminars, classes, conferences to learn new skills and network with peers.

(b) Supervisor prepares and encourages the development of the employee to move onto the next career level in the organization.

            (c) Supervisor restructures position and work processes for more efficient work product.

(d) Cross-training is provided (where applicable and reasonable) in order to maintain continuity of operation in the absence of an employee.

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